Colgrove-Woodruff Camp No. 22
Battle Creek, Michigan
This Society is located principally in the West, but is rapidly spreading
in all directions.
It is, in many respects, similar to the "Sons of Veterans," and is entirely
independent and auxiliary to no other organization.
It was organized at Massilon, Ohio, May 30, 1885, and has a National
organization and local Societies, known as "Tents."
The Order admits to membership "all daughters and granddaughters of honorably
discharged soldiers, sailors, and marines who served in the Union army or
navy during the Rebellion of 1861-65, who have attained the age of fifteen years,"
and has for its objects, as follows: "To perpetuate the memories of our fathers,
grandfathers, and brothers, their loyalty to the Union, and their unselfish
sacrifices for the perpetuity of the same; to keep green the memory and history
of those who participated in that heroic struggle for the maintenance of our
free government; to aid them and their widows and orphans when helpless and in
distress; to assist the Grand Army to commemorate the deeds of their fallen
comrades on the 30th of May, until such time as it shall devolve upon
their descendants."
There is a Floral Committee attached to each Tent, whose duty it is to provide
floral offerings for the funeral of any deceased soldier or sailor in the vicinity.
[Manual of the Civil War and Key to the Grand Army of the Republic and Kindred Societies
by J. Worth Carnahan, 1899.
Published by the U.S. Army and Navy Historical Association, Washington, D.C.]
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of Michigan, Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War, a Congressionally
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