Colgrove-Woodruff Camp No. 22
Battle Creek, Michigan
Caffery, James, Eckford.
Enlisted in company E, Twenty-fourth Infantry, March 23, 1865, at Jackson, for 1 year, age 18.
Mustered March 23, 1865.
Mustered out at Detroit, Mich., June 30, 1865.
Present residence, Marshall, Mich.
[Record of Service of Michigan Volunteers in the Civil War 1861-1865. 1903]
Caffery, James |
St. Mary's Cemetery Marshall |
MI 24 INF Co. E |
[History of the G.A.R. Memorial Hall, Marshall, MI by Chris Czopek]
James Caffery was in battle Creek today.
[The Evening Statesman, Friday, June 9, 1911, p.2, c.5]
The red light at the Citizens telephone exchange shortly after 6:00 o’clock last evening
again called the officers to the John Noban saloon to stop a fight.
Deputy Sheriff’s Shafer and Harther and Policeman James Caffery were soon on the
scene but things had quieted down when they arrived and no arrests were made.
It was heard that Hugh Boehmer of Lee and a nemploye [sic] on the Marengo road were the
principals in the mixup and others took a hand in it.
Mr. Noban appeared on the scene soon after the officers arrived and both Deputy Sheriffs
Shafer and Harther told him that they were getting tired of being called there every other
day to stop a fight.
Both officers told him to keep that class of customers out of his place and not to allow
any more fithts there or there would be touble. He agreed to call the officers if another
fight occurred there and make complaint against those who became involved in it.
One city official said last evening that he intended to present the question of having
Mr. Noban’s liquor license revoked to the council next Monday evening.
[The Evening Chronicle, Thursday, October 15, 1914, p.1, c.5]
The following bills were allowed by the council last evening: Swartwout & Swartwout,
$20.00; James Caffery, $1.00; W. E. Boyd, $13.58.
[The Marshall News-Statesman, Tuesday, March 2, 1915, p.3, c.2]
$21,297.88 Paving Tax is Spread
Property Owners on Kalamazoo Ave.
Must Pay This Amount
The special paving assessment as assessed by the council and supervisors sitting as
a board of review on the Kalamazoo avenue pavement Wednesday evening will be of general interest.
The state and U.S. government pays three-quarters of the cost of twenty-foot width, the
city one-half of the remaining quarter and the property owners the other half of the quarter.
Where the street is more than 20 foot wide as it is from Mansion street to the northern city
limits the city has to pay one-half of the extra width and the property owners the other half.
The assessment to the property owners is as follows:
… Roll No. 30. – … James Caffery, $296.22; …
[The Evening Chronicle, Saturday, August 9, 1924, p.1, c.3]
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