Colgrove-Woodruff Camp No. 22
Battle Creek, Michigan
Assenheimer, Gootfried |
Lyon Lake Cemetery |
PA 47 INF Co. B |
[History of the G.A.R. Memorial Hall, Marshall, MI by Chris Czopek]
Mrs. G. Assenheimer and son are visiting in Kalamazoo and Berrien counties.
[The Western Statesman, Friday, October 7, 1887, p.1, c.2]
Mrs. G. Assenheimer is visiting relatives in Colon.
[The Daily Chronicle, Friday, September 26, 1890, p.1, c.3]
Miss Matilda Assenheimer is home from Marshall, where she has been studying music.
[The Marshall Statesman, Friday, March 20, 1891, p.1, c.4]
Mr. and Mrs. Assenheimer returned from their visit in Jackson this week.
[The Marshall Statesman, Friday, December 4, 1896, p.8, c.3]
Mr. G. Assenheimer is on the sick list.
[The Marshall Statesman, Friday, April 2, 1897, p.8, c.5]
Mr. Assenheimer is giving his house a new coat of paint.
[The Marshall Statesman, Friday, June 25, 1897, p.8, c.4]
Herman Assenheimer and Nettie Hatfield have been spending a few days with the former's brothers,
the Messrs. Bentley, at Jackson.
[The Marshall Statesman, Friday, July 9, 1897, p.8, c.4]
Mr. and Mrs. H. Assenheimer of Marshall spent sunday with friends here.
[The Marshall Statesman, Friday, April 22, 1898, p.8, c.6]
Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Bentley and children, who spent the past week with the former's mother,
Mrs. Assenheimer, returned to their home in Jackson Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Assenheimer spent Sunday here.
[The Marshall Statesman, Friday, May 27, 1898, p.8, c.4]
Mrs. H. Assenheimer and children of Jackson are visiting relative at this place.
[The Marshall Statesman, Friday, December 7, 1900, p.8, c.4]
Mrs. Meyers and daughter, carrie, of Marshall spent Tuesday with the former's sister, Mrs. Assenheimer.
[The Marshall Expounder, Friday, May 3, 1901, p.5, c.1]
G. Assenheimer died at his home in Fredonia Sunday.
The funeral was held Wednesday.
[The Marshall Statesman, Friday, May 10, 1901, p.1, c.5]
Mr. and Mrs. H. Assenheimer and children of Jackson are spending the week with their parents,
Mr. and Mrs. G. Assenheimer
[The Marshall Statesman, Friday, August 12, 1901, p.8, c.1]
Mrs. G. Assenheimer spent a couple of days with her sister, Mrs. G. Miers, of near Marshall.
[The Marshall Statesman, Friday, Septermber 27, 1901, p.8, c.3]
Mrs. M. Assenheimer went to Jackson last week where she will remain with her son until the holidays.
[The Marshall Statesman, Friday, November 15, 1901, p.8, c.3]
Pension attorney Wright has secured for Mrs. Margerath Assenheimer, of Fredonia, a widow’s
pension of $8 a month as well as the back payment secrung [sic] to her late husband.
A proper pension properly placed.
[The Marshall Expounder, Friday, April 11, 1902, p.5, c1]
Mrs. Herman Assenheimer and children, of Jackson are spending a few weeks with her mother,
Mrs. Margaret Assenheimer.
[The Marshall Expounder, Friday, April 18, 1902, p.4, c.5]
Mrs. Herman Assenheimer, nee Nettie Hatfield of Jackson, is visiting her mother-in-law Mrs. G.
[The Marshall News, Friday, April 18, 1902, p.5, c.3]
Mesdames Margare and Herman Assenheimer spent Sunday with Mrs. G. Fousel of Tekonsha.
[The Marshall News, Friday, April 25, 1902, p.5, c.6]
Mrs. M. Assenheimer and Hazel Goodrich visited in Jackson last week.
Mrs. Assenheimer’s neice, Alta Bentley accompanied them back and will spend the
remainder of her vacation with her grandparents.
[The Marshall Statesman, Friday, August 8, 1902, p.8, c.1 and p.16, c.1]
Alta Bently of Jackson is visiting her grand-mother Mrs. G. Assenheimer.
[The Daily News, Friday, June 26, 1903, p.3, c4. and The Marshall News, Friday, June 26, 1903, p.5, c.2]
Alta Bentley from Jackson is making her grandmother, Mrs. Assenheimer, an extended visit.
Milo Fousel from Tekonsha is spending the week at his grandmother’s, Mrs. Assenheimer.
[The Marshall Statesman, Friday, June 26, 1903, p.8, c.2]
Milo Fousel from Tekinsha is spending the week at his grandmother's Mrs. Assenheimer
[The Marshall Statesman, Friday, June 26, 1903, p.8, c.2]
John Bentley and son of Jackson spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. G. Assenheimer.
He returned Monday accompanied by his daughter Alta who has been visiting her grand-mother
for a number of weeks.
[The Marshall News, Friday, July 24, 1903, p.5, c.1]
The W. W. S. will meet with Mrs. G. Assenheimer next Thursday afternoon, August 13.
Let every one who can be present.
[The Marshall Statesman, Friday, August 7, 1903, p.8, c.1]
Mrs. Lizzie Bentley, of Marshall, was the guest of Mrs. Assenheimer during last week.
[The Marshall Expounder, Friday, August 21, 1903, p.4, c.4]
Mrs. J. Bentley of Marshall was the guest of Mrs. G. Assenheimer last week.
[The Marshall Statesman, Friday, August 21, 1903, p.8, c.3]
Mr. George Bentley of Jackson, is visiting his mother Mrs. Assenheimer.
[The Marshall Expounder, Friday, September 4, 1903, p.4, c.1]
Mrs. Nettie Assenheimer and four children of Jackson, are visiting Mrs. Assenheimer for a few weeks.
[The Marshall Expounder, Friday, September 25, 1903, p.4, c.3]
Mrs. M. Assenheimer is living on her farm again.
Herman Assenheimer and family are expected from Kalamazoo this week.
He has rented his mother’s farm for the year.
[The Marshall Expounder, Friday, April 7, 1905, p.5, c.5]
George Bentley died in Jackson Sunday after a prolonged illness of Bright’s disease.
Deceased lived in this city when a young man, and was a brother of the late Joseph Bentley.
He is survived by another brother, John of Jackson, and his mother Mrs. Margaret
Assenheimer of Fredonia.
All three brothers became railroad engineers but the deceased was obliged to relinquish
his work some six years ago on account of broken health. He was about 59 years of age.
His funeral occurred Tuesday in Jackson and was attended by Mr. and Mrs. G. O. Bentley,
Mrs. Leora Bentley and Mrs. J. Bentley of this city.
[The Marshall News, Friday, May 25, 1906, p.1, c.1]
Probate Judge Porter Tuesday appointed Henry Assenheimer administrator of the estate
of Margaret Assenheimer.
[The Daily News, Tuesday, August 27, 1909, p.1, c.7]
Wednesday, Oct. 27
Est. of Margaret Assenheimer, dec., claims 1st day.
[The Daily News, Wednesday, October 20, 1909, p.2, c.1]
Saturday, Nov. 27
Est. of Margaret Assenheimer, dec., claims first day.
[The Marshall News, Friday, November 19, 1909, p.4, c.3]
Final accounts were examined and allowed and the residue assigned in the estates of Ira McDonald,
Margaret Assenheimer and Cornelia Lewis, deceased.
[The Marshall News, Friday, December 3, 1909, p.1, c.7]
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