Colgrove-Woodruff Camp No. 22
Battle Creek, Michigan
Aley, Lucius |
Oakridge Cemetery Marshall |
OH 7 INF Co. B |
[History of the G.A.R. Memorial Hall, Marshall, MI by Chris Czopek]
Aley, Lucius married Dec. 31, 1855 Eliza Ann Burlison, in this village.
(The Democratic Expounder Jan. 3, 1856)
[Marshall Marriage and Death Newspaper Notices by Marguerite N. Lambert. 1997]
The trial of Lucius Aley yesterday resulted in his conviction, and the court sentenced him
to give bonds for good behavior for a year or go to Ionia for six months.
[The Daily Chronicle, Wednesday, March 17, 1880, p.4, c.2 and The Daily Chronicle,
Friday, March 19, 1880, p.8, c.2]
A wrestling match between Ike Wyckoff and Lucius Aley attracted some attention at the
west end this afternoon.
Aley was the victor.
[The Daily Chronicle, Friday, September 10, 1880, p.4, c.2 and The Daily Chronicle,
Monday, September 13, 1880, p.8, c.2]
Justice Foley sent Lucius Aley to jail yesterday for 15 days for drunkenness.
[The Daily Chronicle, Wednesday, March 30, 1881, p.4, c.1]
Mr. Lucius Aley and wife yesterday missed their daughter, aged 15 years, and were
informed that she had gone to Battle Creek with a woman of bad character.
They at once went in pursuit, and on their arrival at Battle Creek turned the matter over
to the officers.
Their search was unsuccessful and they returned without her.
She came home this morning, however, and explained her absence in a satisfactory manner.
She did not leave with the woman referred to, but visited a friend.
The Battle Creek officers were furnished with a very perfect description of her, but passed her
on the street several times without recognizing her.
The Battle Creek papers all contain notices of the affair.
[The Daily Chronicle, Wednesday, April 18, 1883, p.4, c.2-3]
A 15-year-old daughter of Mr. Lucius Aley was missed on Monday from the house where she
was working in this city.
It was feared by her parents that she was in bad company, and on Tuesday they instituted a
search for her.
Naturally they first turned toward Battle Creek, and arriving at that city they gave a full
description of the missing girl to the police officers there.
After creating considerable stir in that quiet city and attacting much attention, they came
back to Marshall where they found their daughter.
She had been to Battle Creek on a visit, but managed to get back on the same train with her parents.
Everything was explained and joy once more reigned in that household.
[The Marshall Statesman, Friday, April 20, 1883, p.4, c.3]
Lucius Aley went home intoxicated yesterday, turned his children out of doors and raised
Cain generally.
An officer was sent out after him, and after spending the night in jail, Aley felt somewhat repentant.
Judge Foley sentenced him to pay a fine of $20, or to go to jail for 30 days.
[The Daily Chronicle, Friday, July 6, 1883, p.8, c.3]
Lucius Aley was found in a drunken condition lying in the middle of the road on east
State street yesterday afternoon and the marshal and Officer Prentice found it necessary to
get a wagon in order to take him to jail.
Marshal Doud made a complaint against him for being a tippler and drunkard.
When he showed up before Justice Foley this afternoon he was still exceedingly drunk,
having had, as he said, a pint of whisky in his overcoat which was missed by the officers when
searching him, as it slipped through a hole in a pocket and was prevented by the lining from
falling out. He found bail of $100 to appear next Tuesday for trial.
[The Daily Chronicle, November 6, 1886, p.5, c.2]
Lucius Aley of Marengo will celebrate his 70th birthday on Saturday.
[The Daily News, Thursday, May 2, 1901, p.4, c.2, and The Marshall News,
Friday, May 3, 1901, p.4, c.5]
Saturday, November 29
Estate of Lucius Aley, deceased; appointment of adm.
[The Evening Statesman, Monday, November 24, 1913, p.2, c.4]
State of Michigan. The Probate Court for the County of Calhoun.
In the matter of the estate of Lucius Aley, deceased.
Notice is hereby given, that by order of the probate court for the county of Calhoun, made on
the twenty-ninth day of November, A. D., 1913, four months from that date were allowed for
creditors to present their claims against the estate of said deceased, late of said county;
and that all creditors of said deceased are required to present their claims to said probate
court, at the probate office in the city of Marshall, for examination and allowance, on or
before the thirtieth day of March, A. D., 1914, and that such claims will be heard before said
court, on the second day of March, and on the thirtieth day of March, A. D., 1914, at ten
o’clock in the forenoon at each of those days.
Dated November twenty-ninth, A. D., 1913.
Dec. 5-26 Judge of Probate
[The Marshall Statesman, Friday, December 19, 1913, p.4, c.7 and The Marshall Statesman,
Friday, December 26, 1913, p.4, c.5]
Monday, March 2
Estate of Lucius Aley, deceased; first day of hearing claims.
[The Evening Chronicle, Saturday, February 29, 1914, p.4, c.4]
In probate court today. … an order entered closing the hearing of claims in the estate of
Lucius Aley, deceased.
[The Marshall News-Statesman, Monday, March 30, 1914, p.3, c.4]
In the Matter of the Estate of Lucius Aley, deceased.
William J. Dibble, administrator, having filed in said court his final administration account,
and his petition praying for the allowance thereof and for the assignment and distribution of
the residue of said estate.
It is ordered, that the Twenty-First day of May, A. D., 1914, at ten o’clock in the forenoon,
at said probate office, be and is hereby appointed for examining and allowing said account
and hearing said petition:
It is further ordered, that public notice thereof be given by publication of a copy of this order,
for three successive weeks previous to said day of hearing, in the Marshall News-Statesman,
a newspaper printed and circulated in said county.
Judge of Probate
A true copy
Jessie C. Porter,
Register of Probate
[The Marshall News-Statesman, Saturday, April 25, 1914, p.4, c.4-5 and The Marshall
News-Statesman, Saturday, May 2, 1914, p.4, c.5 and The Marshall News-Statesman,
Saturday, May 9, 1914, p.4, c.4 and The Marshall News-Statesman, Saturday, May 16, 1914, p.4, c.4]
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