") document.write("MEMORIAL DAY") document.write("

") document.write("Appropriately Observed by") document.write("
") document.write("C. Colegrove Post") document.write("
") document.write("and Corps.") document.write("

") document.write("SCHOLARLY ADDRESS BY DR. DICKIE") document.write("

") document.write("William H. Porter Extends a") document.write("
") document.write("Warm Welcome to the Old Soldiers.") document.write("

") document.write("
") document.write("To those who had made plans for Memorial day which would take ") document.write("them out-of-doors, the weather was decidedly disappointing. ") document.write("At dawn the rain was falling in generous quantities, and its patter had a ") document.write("most discouraging effect. ") document.write("It ceased before six o’clock, but the clouds continued threatening for some ") document.write("time. ") document.write("Finally they disappeared leaving an azure sky and brilliant sunshine. ") document.write("However, this was only for a little while. ") document.write("Soon they returned and kept up a flirtation with the orb of day until nearly ") document.write("noon, when they decided to extinguish him entirely for the day, which they did. ") document.write("Now this was all very disquieting and while not a drop of rain fell, still ") document.write("there was no telling when it might pour, so everyone who sallied forth on any ") document.write("errand whatsoever, was obliged to go armed with umbrellas, raincoats, etc.") document.write("

") document.write("The unpropitious weather did not have the effect to dampen the ardor of ") document.write("those who had planned to attend the Memorial service at the Baptist church. ") document.write("That edifies was filled with those who had a sincere desire to do honor to ") document.write("those brave men who served their country in its direst need and who have gone ") document.write("to their just reward. ") document.write('The auditorium was appropriately decorated with “Old Glory,” that emblem ') document.write("of freedom and independence. ") document.write("There were also flowers in profusion. ") document.write("The procession formed at G.A.R. hall and marched to the church. ") document.write("It was indeed a pathatic sight, those men, fifty-nine of them, who when ") document.write("they answered their country’s call were in the first bloom of youth, but ") document.write("are now, many of them, far advanced in years and soon will join the hosts ") document.write("on the other side. ") document.write("Members of the W.R.C. to the number of twenty-nine showed their ") document.write("patriotism by marching in the procession and carrying flags.") document.write("

") document.write("It is said of the program that it was one of the most interesting ever ") document.write("given in this city on a similar occasion. ") document.write("It was wholly appropriate, and everyone who participated in any capacity ") document.write("contributed to its marked success. ") document.write("There was the Voluntary by the Drum Corps, which furnished the music for ") document.write("the afternoon and which acquitted itself most creditably. ") document.write("Following the Voluntary was the reading of orders by ") document.write("Adjutant H. A. Clute. Com. O. F. Walter conducted the Post service ") document.write("and Rev. J. R. Mitchell, D. D., of the first Presbyterian church ") document.write("offered the invocation, and this was followed by President Lincoln’s ") document.write("address at Gettysburg which was read by John Cuzzins. Hon. Wm. H. ") document.write("Porter made an address of welcome, which we quote as follows:") document.write("

") document.write('"Commander and members of Colegrove Post: ') document.write("As a representative of the mayor of the city of Marshall, and at his ") document.write("request, I appear before you for a moment, for the purpose of extending ") document.write("to you the customary courtesies of the day in behalf of the local ") document.write("government of the city.") document.write("

") document.write('“It goes without saying, that you are individually and collectively ') document.write("cordially welcomed to all the benefits and rights that the city ") document.write("is able to confer upon you on this occasion, an occasion replete ") document.write("with the memories of a great and eventful period in our country’s ") document.write("history, of bereavements that time cannont fully assuage, of ") document.write("successes achieved that the latest generation of man shall keep in remembrance.") document.write("

") document.write('“Never should we fail to give solemn heed to the lesson of those departing times. ') document.write("Then it was that the nation suffered its greatest shock, encountered the ") document.write("greates peril in its history. ") document.write("Ultimately it triumphed over all its foes, rescued and preserved all the great ") document.write("rights and liberties of the people vouch-safed to them by a glorious ancestry.") document.write("

") document.write('“To the dead of the great conflict the nation should ever do honor. ') document.write("Fitting it is that it should annually come with a tribute of grief in her ") document.write("great heart to do them reverence. ") document.write("With loving hands she places at the head of their graves the floral offerings ") document.write("of spring. ") document.write("Bending over their mortal remains she remembers the great service and ") document.write("sacrifice of their lives, the sublimity of their heroism in times of our ") document.write("country’s dire necessities and her most thrilling dangers. ") document.write("On the survivors of that bloody drama the nation bestowed and bestows the ") document.write("most profound homage. ") document.write("The splender of the achivements of the army and navy in the war of the ") document.write("rebellion and the grandeur of their successes are now the admiration of the ") document.write("world as they shall be of the ages to come.") document.write("

") document.write('“That you, whom I address, participated in this history-making epoch is ') document.write("to your unfading honor and glory. ") document.write("Through the conflict without a star erased or a stripe polluted came ") document.write("‘Old Glory’. ") document.write("Throught it the nation was crowned with the bright jewels of great rights ") document.write("preserved. ") document.write("Through it civil liberty was more firmly established. ") document.write("Because of it the changing phases of an onward moving civilization ") document.write("shall grow brighter until the perfect day, and grander achievements ") document.write("made possible, than have yet graced the earth, shall be given to the nation. ") document.write("We now close as we began this short address, with words of welcome. ") document.write("As an evidence of their cordiality, the authorities of the city and its ") document.write('citizens join with you in these fitting ceremonies of the day."') document.write("

") document.write("Mr. Porter always makes a good speech but it is said of him that ") document.write("he never talked better than on this occasion.") document.write("

") document.write("Adjt. Clute read the roll of honor, a feature of the program ") document.write("which is always sad because there are no responses and the roll ") document.write("grows larger each year. Master Lee Case gave a fine recitation, ") document.write("and A. L. Wright also favored the audience. ") document.write("Tracy Vary sang a solo being accompanied by Miss Vary.") document.write("

") document.write("C. Colegrove Post was certainly fortunate in being able to ") document.write("secure Prof. Dickie, president of Albion college, to deliver an oration. ") document.write('His subject was “A Characterization of War.” ') document.write("It showed careful preparation and may be regarded as one of the most ") document.write("scholarly addresses ever given in this city. Our limited space will ") document.write("only admit of brief quotations:") document.write("

") document.write('“It is well that once a year we may meet to do honor to your comrades ') document.write("in arms who fell upon the battle field, and to those who have answered ") document.write("the long roll call during the four decades since the close of the war. ") document.write("It is well that this remnant of the larger band that came home in ’65 ") document.write("should come together now and then in such a place as this, that we who ") document.write("were not participants in the fray may publicly confess the debt we owe ") document.write("to you and tell our children the priceless value of the heritage you ") document.write("helped to save from ruin.") document.write("

") document.write("What memories this day awakens in all who are old enough to recall the ") document.write("stirring times and startling events of the early sixties. ") document.write("It was but forty-four years ago last month that Sumpter fell, and as ") document.write("the news went over the land what profound emotionis were stirred. ") document.write("On the farm and in the factory, in shop and store and office, men stood ") document.write("still and looked into one another’s eyes and asked with bated breath ") document.write("to what this tragic thing might lead, and each according to his mood, ") document.write("made answer, with pallid lip or angry flush or broken prayer or curse ") document.write("or imprecation; but no man then could tell ond half the next ") document.write("quadrennium held in store.") document.write("

") document.write("War, what is it? Why is it? ") document.write("War is a condition of open hostility accompanied by the conflict of arms. ") document.write("Usually it is a struggle between sovereign states, unable or unwilling ") document.write("to settle their differences by the arts of diplomacy or the good offices ") document.write("of arbitration, and appealling as the last and only resort to the arbitrament of arms.") document.write("

") document.write("The ground of every war, the foundation, the cause, the justification, ") document.write("at least the ostensible reason given by the aggressive belligerent, is ") document.write("invariably, in these latter days, the ground of a right. ") document.write("No nation today would openly engage in a war of piracy or of conquest. ") document.write("The world will no longer tolerate such gigantic robbery unless it wear ") document.write("at least the cloak of a cause alleged to be in the interest of a right, ") document.write("a right wrongfully withheld which must now be regained, a right in ") document.write("jeopardy, which must be defended by force of arms if necessary.") document.write("

") document.write("Every human being is born into the world the possesser of certain rights ") document.write("and, in the exercise of these, may acquire others which he feels equally ") document.write("entitled to enjoy and to defend against all aggressors.") document.write("

") document.write("Stripped of its holiday attire and seen upon the field of battle, in camp, ") document.write("in hospital, and in prison pen, it presents a grim visage of horror that ") document.write("may well appall the stoutest heart.") document.write("

") document.write("No poet’s fancy, no splended burst of oratory, no portrayal upon the ") document.write("canvas can depict in proper colors the indescribable horrors of war.") document.write("

") document.write("With the money the world has spent for war we could duplicate every ") document.write("school house, academy, college and church on the face of the earth, ") document.write("and have billions of dollars left with which to endow them. ") document.write("We could replace every hospital, asylum, orphange or other charitable ") document.write("institution on the glob, [sic] and extend the enterprises of mercy ") document.write("and benevolence to a degree never dreamed of by the most sanguine ") document.write("disciples of the altrnistic philosopy.") document.write("

") document.write("If one could catalogue the horrors of this awful tragedy of war, the ") document.write("woes of women bear no trifling part therein. ") document.write("Without the cheer, variety, excitement, of campanionship of camp or ") document.write("march or battle field, she sits in silence and alone, a dread upon ") document.write("her heart she dares not speak, and like a stricken fawn she dumbly ") document.write("waits the message that she prays may never come.") document.write("

") document.write("The world is coming to perceive the curse of war, and to appreciate ") document.write("the fact that he who negotiates an honorable peace or by the arts ") document.write("of diplomacy avoids a threatened conflict, is rendering the world ") document.write("a greater service than was ever rendered by a military chieftain, ") document.write("conqueror though he be. The greatest blessing war can give the ") document.write("world is universal peace.") document.write("

") document.write("And you, old soldiers of the sixties, veterans of many a camp and ") document.write("march and battle field, as together we view our peaceful and united ") document.write("land, as today you strew flowers upon the graves of your departed ") document.write("comrades and reflect that soon you will be sleeping by their side, ") document.write("I am sure that you will fervently unite with me and say –") document.write("

") document.write('“God send us peace! ') document.write("And where for aye, the loved and lost recline. ") document.write("Let fall, O South, your leaves of palm, ") document.write('O North, your sprige of pine.” ') document.write('“No more shall the war-cry sever, ') document.write("Nor the winding rivers be red, ") document.write("

") document.write("They banish our anger forever ") document.write('When they laurel the graves of our dead.”') document.write("

") document.write('President Dickie’s address was followed by the singing of “America” ') document.write("in which everyone joined, Rev. W. H. Canfield, of the Evangelical ") document.write("church, pronounced the benediction, and the large audience passed ") document.write("out of the church.") document.write("The procession reformed and marched to Oakridge cemetery where ") document.write("the graves of soldiers were strewn with flowers.") document.write("

") document.write("The graves of soldiers in St. Mary’s cemetery were not neglected. ") document.write("During the forenoon members of the Post and of the W.R.C. met at ") document.write("the hall and together went to the cemetery carrying with them ") document.write("flowers which they placed upon the graves.") document.write("

") document.write("En route to Oakridge a halt was made at the bridge which spans") document.write("the Kalamazoo river and the service for deceased sailors was read.") document.write("

") document.write("Memorial day 1906, has passed into history. ") document.write("It will be succeeded by many others, all teaching a lesson of ") document.write("patriotism, and leaving an impression upon the younger generations, ") document.write("notwithstanding they seem careless and unmindful of the solemnity ") document.write("and significance which should attach to this observance.") document.write("

") document.write("
") document.write("ROLL OF HONOR") document.write("

") document.write("Of C. Colegrove Post No. 166,
Department of Michigan G. A. R.") document.write("
") document.write("
") document.write("The following are the names on the roll of C. Colegrove Post, ") document.write("named in honor of Charles Colegrove, color sergeant First ") document.write("Michigan Infantry, killed at the battle of Bull Run July 21st, ") document.write("1861, first Michigan color sergeant killed in the war of 1861-5:") document.write("

") document.write("
") document.write('') document.write('') document.write('") document.write("") document.write("
') document.write("Charles Colegrove
") document.write("F Allen
") document.write("E S Allen
") document.write("Isaac Albaugh
") document.write("Edward Alexander
") document.write("George Bailey
") document.write("James K Bailey
") document.write("James Barney
") document.write("Charles Baker
") document.write("Jacob Baker
") document.write("Wm O Barhite
") document.write("George Bennett
") document.write("Walter Bell
") document.write("Fred’k Bluse
") document.write("Frank Bishop
") document.write("Alonzo Bigelow
") document.write("John J Binder
") document.write("Charles Baker
") document.write("Peter Bestel
") document.write("Raymond Bush
") document.write("B B Bissell
") document.write("James Cassidy
") document.write("Edward Cassidy
") document.write("John H Clark
") document.write("Wm J Clayborn
") document.write("John Cluff
") document.write("George Collins, Sr
") document.write("George Collins, Jr
") document.write("Sylvester Cogswell
") document.write("Otis Conant
") document.write("John Conner
") document.write("Phillip Conway
") document.write("Albert Craig
") document.write("Hiram Daily
") document.write("Peter Dam
") document.write("Seymour Davis
") document.write("Peter DeMott
") document.write("J J Dennis
") document.write("Nicholas Deverux
") document.write("Harrison M Dickey
") document.write("Gilbert Dickey
") document.write("Alex Ammons
") document.write("J Howard Ethridge
") document.write("Norris J Frink
") document.write("Henry J Facey
") document.write("John Flake
") document.write("James M Getchell
") document.write("James E Gray
") document.write("Benj W Given
") document.write("James W Hatch
") document.write("Charles Harrington
") document.write("Ransom Halstead
") document.write("William Hammond
") document.write("Richard Hannis
") document.write("Charkes Hiene
") document.write("Frederick Henkel
") document.write("Seranus Hewett
") document.write("Wm F Hewett
") document.write("William H Hicks
") document.write("Garrett E Hall
") document.write("Thomas W Johnson
") document.write("James H Juckett
") document.write("Thomas Kelly
") document.write("Peter Kocher
") document.write("John Lodhoz
") document.write("Henry Lorman
") document.write("Dennis Lusk
") document.write("S Middlebury
") document.write("Robert Moa
") document.write("Daniel Murdock
") document.write("Daniel A Morrison
") document.write("Watson B Mead
") document.write("Emmitt McNutt
") document.write("Hugh McRoberts
") document.write("John McDermott
") document.write("Charles Morton
") document.write("George W Nicholds
") document.write("Aaron Oberlin
") document.write("James Owens
") document.write("John Pendelton
") document.write("Robert Pealing
") document.write("Edward Phelen
") document.write("James K Post
") document.write("Noble B Palmiter
") document.write("William Quigley
") document.write("Melvin D Ralph
") document.write("Geo W Raymond
") document.write("Henry Reed
") document.write("Daniel Ross
") document.write("Eliphalet L Roberts
") document.write("William Ryan
") document.write("Edward Savagool
") document.write("Edward Savage
") document.write("N A Sexton
") document.write("Peter Schuyler
") document.write("George Showers
") document.write("James A Strong
") document.write("John Smith
") document.write("Gottleib Schneider
") document.write("John S Stout
") document.write("Wm H Townsend
") document.write("George Townsend
") document.write("James Tilton
") document.write("Chester Upham
") document.write("John VanArman
") document.write("Oliver VanZandt
") document.write("David E Vrooman
") document.write("Dan S VanBlarcum
") document.write("Jonathan Wade
") document.write("William Waltz
") document.write("John Whalen
") document.write("William N Wilder
") document.write("George Wookruff
") document.write("Ruben Wagner
") document.write("Ervine Wales
") document.write("William Whalen
") document.write("H S Warner
") document.write("G Assengeimer
") document.write("Lucius Alley
") document.write("John Armstrong
") document.write("Glascow
") document.write("Bart A Boughton
") document.write("Charles Bosenbark
") document.write("John Borst
") document.write("George Bostock, Sr
") document.write("Henry Bostock
") document.write("Charles Bottam
") document.write("Lucius F Boynton
") document.write("James Brady
") document.write("Henry H Brownell
") document.write("Franklin P Brewer
") document.write("William L Buck
") document.write("John Burke
") document.write("Conrad Brunker
") document.write("James Baty
") document.write("John M Banks
") document.write("O C Comstock, 3rd
") document.write("Edwin Coriell
") document.write("Alex Thomas Craig
") document.write("William Crandall
") document.write("Dennis Cronin
") document.write("Samuel Cummings
") document.write("Dr Ennis Church
") document.write("Edward Crawford
") document.write("Albert S Collins
") document.write("Sylvester Considine
") document.write("Alex Clark
") document.write("W O Culver
") document.write("Robert Diver
") document.write("Searl S Dunn
") document.write("John Donaldson
") document.write("Richard Dunn
") document.write("Soloman Dowding
") document.write("Lyman P Day
") document.write("Harry P Dickey
") document.write("Edward English
") document.write("George Esch
") document.write("Charles Fountain
") document.write("Christopher Frink
") document.write("Daniel Frink
") document.write("Louis Grossinge
") document.write("Selden H Gorham
") document.write("Covington Gee
") document.write("Deville Hubbard
") document.write("William Hinkle
") document.write("Henry Hoskins
") document.write("N H Hotchkiss
") document.write("W W Hotchkiss
") document.write("George W Howe
") document.write("Gonndry Hill
") document.write("George F Hunting
") document.write("--- Hinman
") document.write("John Harrington
") document.write("James Ingram
") document.write("James W Jackson
") document.write("James H Juckett
") document.write("George Kibler
") document.write("Aaron Kocher
") document.write("Gip Lyons
") document.write("Richard S Lockton
") document.write("William LeFever
") document.write("Edward Murphy
") document.write("John Meyers
") document.write("Col Robert McKay
") document.write("Thomas Morey
") document.write("Frederick E Mason
") document.write("Alonzo E Moore
") document.write("Virgil Marsh
") document.write("Abram Mosher
") document.write("Charles B Moore
") document.write("George W Nicholds
") document.write("Peter O’Brien
") document.write("Orlado Pratt
") document.write("James Pryor
") document.write("D H Powers
") document.write("Stuart J Park
") document.write("Dr H A Peterman
") document.write("James Robertson
") document.write("Cady Rowley
") document.write("Otis B Rowley
") document.write("George Reese
") document.write("Frank Raynes
") document.write("Peter Sadersig
") document.write("Johnathan Snyder
") document.write("Elias Stuart
") document.write("Frank Sweeny
") document.write("Dr James F Smiley
") document.write("Manfred D Slocum
") document.write("John G Smith
") document.write("Bert Spaulding
") document.write("Berry Townsend
") document.write("Jerome B Townsend
") document.write("Edward Upham
") document.write("Daniel VanValin
") document.write("Alonzo VanHorn
") document.write("Cooley Voght
") document.write("Perry Walter
") document.write("John Waukenhut
") document.write("Isaac W Wilder
") document.write("Frank Woodruff
") document.write("William Woodruff
") document.write("Thomas W Wells
") document.write("James Whalen
") document.write("Thomas N Wright
") document.write("
") document.write("
") document.write("[The Marshall Statesman, Friday, June 1, 1906, p.4, c.1-4]")