") document.write("THE VETERANS WERE HERE") document.write("
") document.write("Eleventh Annual Encampment of Calhoun
County Veterans’ Battalion") document.write("
") document.write("WELCOME ADDRESS BY MAYOR POWELL") document.write("
") document.write("Response by Judge Winsor.") document.write("
") document.write("Address by Dr. Reed, of Battle Creek") document.write("
") document.write("List of The Registered") document.write("
") document.write("     ") document.write("From Wednesday’s Daily") document.write("
") document.write("     ") document.write("The eleventh annual encampment of the Calhoun County Veterans’ Battalion ") document.write("opened in this city today. ") document.write("The morning was spent in registering, arranging camp, and exchanging greetings. ") document.write("At the afternoon session Mayor Powell welcomed the veterans to our city and ") document.write("Judge Winsor responded. ") document.write("Both addresses were in good taste and heartily encouraged by the grand army boy. ") document.write("
") document.write("     ") document.write("Judge Kelly was unable to be present, therefore his talk had to be dispensed with. ") document.write("Dr. Reed, of Battle Creek, an exconfederate, made a rattling good speech which ") document.write("was heartily enjoyed by all. ") document.write("The drum corps furnished music in the absence of the quartette, which failed to show up. ") document.write("This evening there will be a social talk in the big tent.") document.write("
") document.write("     ") document.write("The following is a list of veterans who have registered up to three o’clock ") document.write("this afternoon:") document.write("
") document.write("     ") document.write("H. A. Clute, David Walkinshaw, Fred Watlz [sic], C. F. Walter, A. Hasbrook, ") document.write("Geo. Seymour, J. H. Van Arman, H. H. Miller, W. H. Bordine, C. B. Furner, ") document.write("John Roe, John Heyser, J. C. Marshall, Robt. Schley, C. J. Lane, Richard Town, ") document.write("Covington Gee, Jacob Van Ness, Samuel Marsh, Gottlieb Schneider, Henry Walkinshaw, ") document.write("L. Aley, John Armstrong, H. A. Peterman, James Caffery, Marshall.") document.write("
") document.write("     ") document.write("J. J. Cornwell, J. W. Taylor, Wm. Dowsett, Alie Fero, Elihu Farrington, ") document.write("Dr. A. W. Alvord, Battle Creek.") document.write("
") document.write("     ") document.write("J. McFadden, Edson Treadwell, R. A. Watkins, Burlington.") document.write("
") document.write("     ") document.write("S. G. Bennett, Homer.") document.write("
") document.write("     ") document.write("J. S. Jerue, Glenn") document.write("
") document.write("     ") document.write("W. H. Rossiter, D. S. Miller, D. D. Sanders, Samuel Lawton, Tekonsha.") document.write("
") document.write("     ") document.write("Eldridge Potter, Bellevue.") document.write("
") document.write("     ") document.write("Geo. W. Camp, Rice Creek") document.write("
") document.write("     ") document.write("J. H. Valentine, Cedar Creek.") document.write("
") document.write("     ") document.write("Wm. Fields, Union City") document.write("
") document.write("     ") document.write("S. W. Thompson, Springport.") document.write("
") document.write("     ") document.write("R. Rotherick, J. Hartwell, John Cuzzins, J. M. Getchell, Chas. E. Fountain, ") document.write("Wm. Long, Marshall.") document.write("
") document.write("     ") document.write("M. Keck, W. E. Brezzette, Newton C, Kirk, Albion.") document.write("
") document.write("     ") document.write("John Brewer, Samuel P. Hoyt, Tekonsha.") document.write("
") document.write("     ") document.write("Robert Williams R. Z. Case. O. J. Philips, M. C. Thomas, Partello.") document.write("
") document.write("     ") document.write("E. B. Cayton, Parrington") document.write("
") document.write("     ") document.write("Watson Bushman, J. S. Sanders, S. N. Hall, Burlington.") document.write("
") document.write("     ") document.write("J. F. Blodgett, Homer.") document.write("
") document.write("     ") document.write("Wm. Vickery, Battle Creek.") document.write("
") document.write("     ") document.write("C. W. Fry, Dimondale.") document.write("
") document.write("     ") document.write("James Bosworth, Olivet.") document.write("
") document.write("     ") document.write("Samuel P. Hoyt.") document.write("
") document.write("     ") document.write("From Thursday’s Daily.") document.write("
") document.write("     ") document.write("The evening Wednesday was occupied in a general talk by the old soldiers ") document.write("at the big tent. Col. Cornwell presided and called on different ones for ") document.write("short speeches. Mr. Cornwall related an incident at the battle of Bull Run ") document.write('and shortly after called on “Old Abe” of Battle Creek. ') document.write("Abe said he could not make a speech but he was at that battle and run like the d—l") document.write("
") document.write("     ") document.write("At the business meeting this morning the following officers were elected: ") document.write("Colonel, Arthur J. Phillips, Partello; lieutenant colonel, R. M. Bittenger, ") document.write("Battle Creek; major, C. T. Smith, Albion; surgeon, Dr. H. A. Peterman, ") document.write("Marshall; chaplain, Rev. J. M. Getchell, Marshall.") document.write("
") document.write("     ") document.write("The Woman’s Auxiliary of the Calhoun County Battalion elected officers as ") document.write("follows: Present, Mrs. Maria Traver, Battle Creek; senior vice president, ") document.write("Mrs. Alice Perrine, Albion; junior vice president, Mrs. Maggie Town, Marshall; ") document.write("treasurer, Sarah Jane Wickam, Battle Creek.") document.write("
") document.write("     ") document.write("After some discussion a motion to make Marshall the permanent headquarters ") document.write("of the battalion was carried.") document.write("
") document.write("     ") document.write("At the afternoon session, Commissioner Burnham made an address and ") document.write('Jos. L. Cox, of Battle Creek, responded to “Michigan my Michigan,” ') document.write("in place of Gov. Gliss who was unable to be present. ") document.write("Chas. A. Blair, of Jackson, who was on the program for this afternoon") document.write("was unable to attend but Judge Kelly, of Battle Creek, was on hand and") document.write("gave an interesting address. ") document.write("This evening the encampment will close with a camp fire in the tent at ") document.write("which some good speakers will be present and help make the occasion an ") document.write("enjoyable one.") document.write("
") document.write("     ") document.write("The following named persons registered today:") document.write("
") document.write("     ") document.write("John S. Stout, Peleg Y. Roberts, Frank Billings, W. C. Hunt, Leonard Engleter, ") document.write("S. H. Lynn, Samuel Garrison, H. Newton, J. A. Clark, Hiram Bangham, Samuel Weaver, ") document.write("Warren Newton, Wm. Waltz, Jacob Showers, Marshall.") document.write("
") document.write("     ") document.write("Chas. Finch, W. W. Cornwell, O. Phelps, Ceresco.") document.write("
") document.write("     ") document.write("H. S. Kohler, Athens.") document.write("
") document.write("     ") document.write("Henry Clay, John Walt, S. M. Halbro, S. H. Wood, Stephen S. Cooper, Andrew Vandee, ") document.write("C. C. Poorman, Z. K. Church, R. M. Dillinger, W. R. Wickham, G. M. Hodges, ") document.write("G. H. Rowell, Robert J. Kelly, F. D. Williams, Battle Creek. C. A. MaGee, ") document.write("John M. Powers., Frank Kimmer, C. T. Smith, O. G. Hubbard, Albion.") document.write("
") document.write("     ") document.write("M. W. Wright, L. C. Books, Wm. Kidney, Tekonsha.") document.write("
") document.write("     ") document.write("R. H. WeWithee, Rice Creek.") document.write("
") document.write("     ") document.write("Enos Short, Olivet.") document.write("
") document.write("     ") document.write("H. S. Carpenter, Chas. Fullmer, address not given.") document.write("
") document.write("") document.write("[The Marshall Expounder, Friday, August, 30, 1901, p.5, c. 4-5]") document.write("")