We, the descendants of the Soldiers, Sailors, and Marines who served in the Army and Navy of the United States of America during the War of the Rebellion of 1861 - 1865, have joined this Patriotic and Fraternal Order for the purposes and objectives set forth by the National Organization, Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War, and in so doing pledge ourselves to commemorate our forefathers’ deeds, render loyal service to our country and to promote the maintenance of unqualified American citizenship with respect for and honor to the flag.
The name of this body of the Order shall be Colgrove-Woodruff Camp No. 22, Marshall, Michigan, Department of Michigan, Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War – Allied Orders of the Grand Army of the Republic, hereafter referred to as the Camp.
The purpose of this Camp shall be to perpetuate the memory of the Grand Army of the Republic and of the men who saved the Union 1861 - 1865; to assist in every practicable way in preservation and making available for research of documents and records pertaining to the Grand Army of the Republic and its members; to cooperate in doing honor to all who have patriotically served our country in war; to teach patriotism and the duties of citizenship, the true history of our country and the love and honor of our flag; to oppose every tendency or movement that would weaken loyalty to, or make for the destruction or impairment of our constitutional Union; to inculcate and broadly sustain the American principles of representative government, of equal rights and impartial justice for all.
Section A: The Camp shall not be conducted for profit.
Section B: The Camp, being strictly non-sectarian and non-partisan, shall not introduce, discuss or foster sectarian of partisan topics.
Section A. MEMBER: A Member shall be any male descendant, whether through lineal or collateral line, not less than fourteen years of age, who can document blood relation to a Soldier, Sailor, Marine or member of the Revenue Cutter Service, who was regularly mustered and served honorably in, or was honorably discharged from the Army, Navy, Marine Corps or Revenue Cutter Service of the United States of America during the War of the Rebellion of 1861 to 1865; and has never been convicted of any infamous of heinous crime or who has, or whose ancestors through whom membership is claimed, have never voluntarily borne arms against the Government of the United States of America.
Section B. ASSOCIATE: An associate shall be any male of sound character, not less than fourteen years of age who cannot document ancestral lineage to a Union Veteran of the War of the Rebellion of 1861 to 1865; and who has never been convicted of any infamous or heinous crime and who has never voluntarily borne arms against the Government of the United States of America. The number of Associates shall not exceed 1/3 of the total membership of the Camp at the time of any election. At no time during a Regular or Special meeting of the Camp shall business be transacted if the total number of Associates in attendance exceeds 49% of the total attendance then present at said meeting.
Section C. JUNIOR: A junior shall be any male descendant, whether through lineal or collateral line, at least 6 years of age but less than 14 years of age, who is a blood relative of a Soldier, Sailor, Marine or member of the Revenue Cutter Service who was regularly mustered and served in, was honorably discharged from, or died iin the service of the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, or Revunue Cutter Service of the United States of America or such state regiments as were called into active service and were subject to orders of the United States general officers, during the War of the Rebellion of 1861 to 1865; who has never been convicted of any infamous of heinous crime; and who has, and whose ancestors through membership is claimed, never voluntarily borne arms against the Government of the United States of America. Each Junior shall have a sponsor who is a member of the Camp and who personally rupervises the Junior during meetings and other activities of the Order. Juniors may not hold any elected office. Juniors are not subject to National or Department per capita dues nor are they entitled to a free subsctiption to THE MESSENGER or THE BANNER.
Section D. An applicant shall be recommended by a member of the Camp who shall vouch for the applicant’s eligibility and moral character.
Section E. A rejected applicant shall not be eligible to apply again for membership until six months have elapsed after such rejection.
Section F. When a Junior becomes 14 years of age, he shall become a Member automatically, without submittal of a new applicaton and without payment of a new application fee.
Section G. Any Member, Associate or Junior of the Camp who is in arrears in the payment of dues may, by a vote of the Camp, be dropped per National Rebulations. The Camp may reinstate a dropped Member, Associate or Junior in the Order on re-election after payment of such dues, re-instatement fee or indebtedness to the Camp as it may prescribe. If the Camp is no longer in existence, the sum to be paid shall be fixed by the Department Commander and paid to the Department. Until his name is dropped from the roll, the Camp shall be subject to per-capita tax on such member.
Section H. A person holding a Camp Transfer cannot be admitted to Camp during its sessions unless given permission by a vote of the Camp. He is a member of the Order for purposes of discipline only, and shall be considered honorable discharged if his transfer card is not deposited with any accepted by the Camp within a year. A Brother thus discharged can be admitted to membership again only in the same manner as an applicant for original membership.
Section I. All persons duly elected by the Camp for membership shall be inducted into the Camp, and, if possible, initiated as per the Ritual of the Order.
Section A. Each Member and Associate of the Camp shall be assessed annual dues. Annual dues shall be at a minimum, the combined total of per capita tax as currently charged by the National Organization and the Department. Annual dues shall become payable January 1st of each year. During the November meeting of each year, a report shall be given by the Camp Treasurer, stating the planned operating expenses of the camp for the new year. The Camp shall increase or decrease the level of dues required of each Member and Associate for the new year using this report as its basis for such decision. Applicants initiated into the Camp during months other than January shall be subject to a pro-rated dues structure based on the number of months remaining in the calendar year.
Section B. At the November meeting of each year, the Treasurer shall recommend a penalty for those paying their dues after the deadline of March 31st. The amount of this rate is subject to approval of the Camp.
Section C. Each Junior shall be assessed annual dues of $5.00. The annual dues shall become payable January 1st of each year. The first year dues for a new Junior initiated into the Camp during a month other than January shall be pro-rated on the bases of the number of months remaining in the calendar year. When a Junior automatically becomes a Member, his dues that year shall be pro-rated on the basis of the number of months he is a Junior and the number of months he is a Member.
Section D. An application fee shall be assessed each applicant upon induction into the Camp. The fee shall be set, at a minimum, at the amount of the National Application Fee.
Section E. The Camp, upon acceptance of the applicant, shall, using the designated form, send the National Application Fee, the appropriate amount of per capita assessment and two copies of the application to the Department Secretary.
Section A. Camp officers shall be of two types: elected and appointed. The elected officers shall be Commander, Senior Vice Commander, Junior Vice Commander, Secretary, Treasurer, Camp Council, and Camp Delegates and Alternates to the Department Encampment. The Camp Council shall be composed of three members of the Camp not holding the office of Commander, Secretary or Treasurer. The appointed Officers of the Camp shall be Chaplain, Patriotic Instructor, Historian, Grave Registration Officer, Memorials and Monuments Officer, Guide, Color Bearer, Guard, and Counselor.
Section B. The elected Camp officers shall be elected at a regular or special meeting of the Camp between the first meeting in October and the first meeting in December, inclusive. A majority vote shall be required to elect all elective officers with the exception of Camp Council, Delegates and Alternates, which shall be elected by a plurality vote. The Camp Commander shall appoint all other Camp Officers. A Camp officer shall serve until successor is installed.
Section C. The Camp officers shall be installed at a regular meeting of the Camp between the first meeting in November and the first meeting in the following February, inclusive, by the Department Commander or by a person designated by the Department Commander.
Section D. If a vacancy should occur in any elected office, the Camp Council shall convene and, by a majority vote of said Council, elect a Brother of the Camp to fill said vacancy for the unexpired term. If a vacancy should occur in any appointed office, the Camp Commander may appoint another Brother of the Camp to fill said vacancy for the unexpired term.
Section E. The Camp by a 2/3 vote of those present and voting at a regular or special meeting of the Camp, first giving five days notice by mail, vacate the position of any elective officer who shall have been absent from six consecutive regular Camp meetings without good cause and such vacancies shall be filled in the same manner as other vacancies.
Section F. The Camp may impeach and remove from office by a 2/3 vote of those present and voting at a regular or special meeting of the Camp, any officer for immoral conduct or for any abuse or dishonorable practice of any kind.
Section A. The Camp Commander shall preside al all meetings of the Camp. He shall decide all questions of order without debate, subject however, to an appeal by the Camp. It shall be his duty to detail all officers and appoint all committees (of which he shall be a member ex-officio) not otherwise provided for, approve all orders of requisitions made on the Camp Treasurer or Camp Council for appropriations of money, or any property of the Camp, and perform all other duties pertaining to his office.
Section B. The Camp Senior Vice Commander and Junior Vice Commander shall assist the Commander and shall perform such duties as pertain to their offices.
Section C. The Camp Council shall devise and recommend measures for preserving and increasing the funds of the Camp; make its investments, leases and other contracts; secure a place of meeting; settle and dispose of all accounts between the Treasurer and members of the Camp; examine the books, vouchers and other papers of the different officers, and at the end of each quarter render a complete report showing its transactions and the financial condition of the Camp. The Council shall also render assistance to the Treasurer in determining expected revenues and disbursements of the coming year and, by the November meeting, the fees and due’s payable as of January 1st of the following year. Based on the Treasurer’s Report of Delinquent Members, Camp Council shall follow up Treasurer’s notifications regarding dues arrearage to ensure the Camp does not incur per capita liability beyond expected membership reimbursement. This later activity shall begin following the Treasurer’s March 1st notification to delinquent Members.
Section D. The Camp Secretary shall perform all duties pertaining to his office and keep all books of record. The Secretary shall make duplicate annual reports, WHICH MUST BE RECEIVED BY the Department Secretary on or before the 30th day of April, using the forms prescribed by the Order, and furnished by the Department Secretary, showing all gains or losses in membership and the total membership. One copy of which shall be forwarded together with the per-capita tax, covering the entire membership, due from the Camp, to the Department Headquarters, the other copy to be placed on file in the Camp. He shall draw requisitions upon the Camp Treasurer for the expenditure of money, upon the order of the Camp, and submit the same to the Camp Commander for his approval, keeping a book for that purpose.
The Camp Secretary shall also make duplicate reports, called status reports, and upon forms prescribed by the Order, AND SEND IMMEDIATELY to the Department Secretary, showing the addition of a new Brother to the Camp roster or a loss or change to the Camp roster by the death, honorable discharge, transfer, dropping of a Brother, or change of address, one copy of which will be forwarded to the Department Headquarters together with the total annual per capita tax and Znational application fee due from the Camp upon the addition of the new Brother, the other copy to be placed on file in the Camp.
Section E. The Camp Treasurer shall be accountable for receipt and disbursement of Camp funds and have charge of its property not otherwise provided for; keep the accounts between the Camp and its property not otherwise provided for; keep the accounts between the Camp and its members; collect all moneys due the Camp, giving in all cases receipts therefore; notify all members in arrears, by March 1st that they are delinquent, provide monthly, quarterly and yearly financial reports to the Camp membership and the fund balance in his hands. He shall make annual financial reports through the Camp Secretary to the Department Secretary-Treasurer. He shall exhibit the account books of the Camp to any elected Camp officer upon reasonable request; file all tax and other financial reports required of the Camp; cause an audit to be performed on an annual basis; shall provide completed dues notices, in contrasting color, to be sent by the Secretary with the minutes of the last Camp meeting of the year; and perform all duties that are incident to the office of Treasurer.
Section F. The Chaplain, Patriotic Instructor, Historian, Graves Registration Officer, Monuments and Memorials Officer, Guide, Color Bearer, Guard, and Counselor shall perform such duties as are prescribed by the Ritual of the Order or directed by the Commander.
Section G. All officers of the Camp shall upon their retirement from office turn over to their successor all property of the Camp within thirty (30) days after leaving office.
Section H. In January of each year, the Camp Commander and the Camp Secretary shall turn over to the Camp Historian pertinent Camp records dated for the previous year. Similarly, the Camp Treasurer shall turn over to the Camp Historian all financial records for the previous year upon completion of the annual financial report and audit. The Camp Historian shall inventory and incorporate all such information into the Camp’s Hisorical records and provide pertinent copies to the current Camp Commander, Secretary, and Treasurer.
Section A. Regular meetings of the Camp shall be held every other month beginning in February. The meeting of the Camp shall be at such time and place as chosen by the Commander and approved by the Camp Council. All regular meetings of the Camp shall be held within the boundaries of the Department of Michigan, Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War.
Section B. Special meetings of the Camp may be called by the Commander with the consent of the Camp Council.
Section C. Notification of Regular and Special meetings to members shall be the responsibility of the Camp Secretary. He shall provide written notice, including agenda, of the meeting within three days of his receipt of the approprate order from the Camp Commander or Camp Council. A minimum of 10 days notice shall be given to Brothers for either Regular or Special meetings.
Section D. Special meetings of the elected Camp officers may be called by the Camp Commander with the consent of the Camp Council. All business conducted at said meeting shall require ratification by the Camp at the next Regular or Special meeting of the Camp.
Section E. Postponement or cancellation of a meeting shall be the responsibility of the Camp Commander provided that a written notice of explanation, if possible, or a verbal notice of explanation via telephone, is delivered to all Brothers a minimum of 2 days before the scheduled meeting. However, if emergency circumstances do not permit a 2 day notification, then notice will be given as soon as reasonably possible.
Section F. A quorum shall consist of those present and eligible to vote, provided that this number is not less than three (3), and provided further that Associates in attendance do not exceed 49% of the roster of those present pursuant to Article IV, Section A of these By-laws. All matters brought before the Camp at a Regular or Special membership meeting shall be decided by a majority vote of those present and entitled to vote at said meeting with one exception, that being the election of the Camp Council, Delegates and Alternates.
Section G. Any member of the Auxiliary to the Sons of the Union Veterans of the Civil War, the Women’s Relief Corp, the Daughters of Union Veterans of the Civil War, and the Ladies of the Grand Army of the Republic, may be admitted to the sessions of the Camp.
Section H. All meetings of the Camp shall have the United States Flag and the Camp flag if available, and the Camp Charter displayed.
Section I. All meetings of the Camp shall be conducted by the guidelines of the Ritual of the Order and the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order, in that order.
Section A. Standing committees of the Camp shall be as follows: Membership, Memorial Day and Remembrance Day Ceremonies, Program and Publicity, G.A.R. Memorial and Monuments, Grave Registration, Patriotic Instruction, By-laws, and Military Affairs.
Section B. Special committees may be created by action of the Camp Commander and shall be for the period of time designated in the creation thereof. Duties and responsibilities of the Special Committees shall be defined by the Camp Commander.
Section C. The Camp Commander shall annually appoint committee memberships.
Section D. The Camp Commander shall serve as ex-officio on all Standing and Special Committee’s unless otherwise stated.
Section E. The Membership Committee shall be charged with the responsibility of increasing the Camp’s membership, for preparing and placing advertisements, and for transmitting, reviewing and processing all new member applications. The Committee shall be chaired by the Junior Vice Commander.
Section F. The Memorial Day and Remembrance Day Ceremonies Committee shall be charged with the responsibilities of making and coordinating all arrangements necessary for the appropriate observance of Union Defenders Day (February 12), Memorial (May 30th) and Remembrance Day (November 19th) by the Camp. The Camp Chaplain shall chair the Committee.
Section G. The Program and Publicity Committee shall be charged with the responsibilities of arranging special programs, speakers, etc. for the Regular Camp meetings and for the general publicity of the Camp and Order.
Section H. The Grave Registration Committee shall seek and identify all graves of Civil War veterans in the State of Michigan. The Committee shall bring to the attention of the Department any disrespect or lack of attention shown to any Civil War grave. The Committee shall be chaired by the Graves Registration Officer.
Section I. The duties of the Memorials and Monuments Officer include the locating, physical examination of, and recording of all memorials dedicated to Union Civil War soldiers and sailors (outside the care of the National Military Parks, and the U.S. Departments of Defense, or Veterans Affairs) in the boundaries of the Camp. This includes all sizes of monuments (with or without sculpture), those with Civil War era canon and inert ammunition, memorial fountains, memorial buildings, memorial windows (stained glass), historical markers, and even small plaques. Reports on the various memorials and monuments located within the Camp area shall be made from time to time to the Department Memorials and Monuments officer upon appropriate form. The Committee shall be chaired by the Monuments and Memorials Officer.
Section J. The Patriotic Instruction Committee shall be charged with the responsibilities of: (1) preparation and periodic update of standardized presentations, geared to junior and senior high school-aged children, on the flag, patriotism, citizenship and the Order, and (2) making all necessary arrangements for preparation and presentation to area schools. The Committee shall be chaired by the Camp Patriotic Instructor.
Section K. the By-laws Committee shall be charged with the responsibilities of annually reviewing the By-laws of the Camp and the drafting thereof of any necessary changes to be voted on by the Camp membership. The Bylaws Committee shall be chaired by the Camp Senior Vice Commander.
Section L. The Military Affairs Committee shall be charged with the responsibilities of: (1) increasing the Camp’s membership in the Camp Guard, (2) advising the Camp on all matters relating to appropriate era military dress, mannerism and formalities associated with the Camp ceremonies, parades and activities, (3) assisting the members in obtaining appropriate uniforms, (4) election of the Camp’s commissioned and noncommissioned officers and (5) establishment and maintenance of communication and coordination channels between the Camp Guard, Department, local Civil War reenactment groups and the S. V. R. The Military Affairs Committee shall be chaired by the Camp Commander.
Section A. The fiscal year of the Camp shall begin on January 1st and end on December 31st of each year.
Section B. Annual financial statements of the camp, prepared in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, shall be prepared shortly after the end of each fiscal year. All financial statements and records shall be subject to an annual audit by the Camp Council; the results of which shall be reported to the Camp Commander.
Section C. All Camp funds shall be deposited in reliable depositories as the Camp Council may direct. The Camp shall have a checking account and or savings account. The Camp Treasurer and the Camp Commander may disperse funds from the checking account. Neither the Treasurer nor the Camp Commander may disperse checking account funds in excess of $50.00 for any single item without written approval, except that the Treasurer may pay per capita assessments and meeting room rental on a regular basis. In the case of the Treasurer, approval shall be secured from the Commander or the Chairman of the basis. In the case of the Treasurer, approval shall be secured from the Commander or the Chairman of the Camp Council. In the case of the Commander, approval shall be secured from the chairman of the Camp Council. Approvals may be given verbally, but must be followed with a letter or e-mail to confirm the verbal approval, and filed with the approprate records of the transaction. The Treasurer is authorized to make transfers from the savings account tot he checking account in order to pay the pre-authorized payments noted above.
Section D. Camp officers may be entitled to reimbursement of certain expenses for the conduct of their respective office provided, however, that a written request is presented to and approved by the Camp Commander. In the case of a request from the Camp Commander, approval for reimbursement of expenses must be secured from the Camp Council. Typical expenses would include, but not be limited to, long distance telephone costs, postage, and mileage.
Disciplinary activities are adressed and governed by the National Constitution and Regulations (C & R) in Chapter V (General Regulations), Article VI (Discipline).
Section A. The Camp may have an independent Camp Guard composed of Brothers of the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War.
Section B. Said Camp Huards would not be governed by the Standard Operating Procedures of the National Military Department SVR. The highest-ranking officer of any Camp Guard may not exceed the rank of Captain.
Section C. For the purposes of these By-Laws the presentation of the Colors, and related activities, at meetings, ceremonies and other functions need not be considered a “Military” activity.
Section D. Each Camp with a Camp Guard may regulate the amount of dues for members of such a unit, if any.
Authorization for a Camp award is provided. The award shall be known as the Colgrove-Woodruff Award. The Camp Commander shall confer the award upon any Brother who, in the judgment of a three-member panel appointed by the Camp Commander, has through his words, actions and/or deeds exhibited exemplary dedication and service tot he Camp and zOrder. Recommendations for possible recipients of said award shall be submitted, along with a one-page (8 ½ “ x 11”) descriptioni of the service provided, to the Camp Secretary no later than 2 months prior to the January meeting of the Camp. Recipients of the award shall be announced and a certificate presented at the meeting. Up to two recipients may be selected for the award in any one year.
Included herein by reference and made a part of these Bylaws are the following rules and regulations, and any subsequent amendments or modifications thereto:
1. Constitution and Regulations of the Sons of Veterans of the Civil War,
2. Bylaws of the Department of Michigan, S.U.V.C.W.
In the case of the surrender or forfeiture of the Camp Charter, all Camp property and funds shall be turned over to the Department Commander or his duly authorized representative, and shall be held by it as a charitable trust that is held and used for the purpose which the Order exists. Any such transfer or disposal within 6 months of disbandment or surrender of the Camp’s Charter without the written consent of the Department is prohibited. The property and funds of the Camp shall not be divided among its members.
There shall be no suspension of these by-laws during any meeting of the Camp.
Section A. These by-laws may be amended at any meeting of the Camp by a 2/3 vote of the members present at a meeting; provided however, that a copy of the proposed amendment had been submitted in writing to the Camp membership at the previous Camp meeting. Before becoming effective, all By-laws and By-law amendments must be approved by the Department Commander.
Section B. All By-laws heretofore adopted by the Camp are hereby repealed.
Approved by the Camp on February 6, 2003.
Russ Streeter, Commander 2/6/2003
John Lohrstorfer, Secretary 2/6/2003
By-laws Committee:
Ronald Berridge
Russ Streeter
Howard Streeter
Charles Harthy
Louis Cuyler
John Lohrstorfer
©Copyright 1995-2012, Department
of Michigan, Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War, a Congressionally
Chartered Corporation. All rights reserved.
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